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Trusted the world over, ChubbSafes is the oldest known safe brand. With nearly 200 years experience in designing and making safes, combining detailed knowledge and innovation, allowing us to offer trusted products we guarantee will meet your needs.

Minimum two-year warranty on all ChubbSafes and an extended 5 YEAR WARRANTY in total on any Graded 0 - 6 Safe purchased FROM THIS website.

For added peace of mind we have created a short-animated video detailing the trials our ChubbSafes undertake when being independently reviewed and tested under both physical and fire attack. A Chubb Safe guarantees the best protection available.

10% of Everything

1 Item

  1. Air 15K Safe

    Small home safe with high security key lock

    Insurance Cover:
    £1000 Cash
    Lock Type:
    Certified Key (inc.2 keys)
    • Carpeted Floor
    Top Pick
    9(KG) / 250 (H) 350 (W) 250 (D)
    Special Price £127.80 £106.50 Regular Price £142.00 £118.33

1 Item